Survivors: Those Who Have Lost Someone to Suicide
Surviving the Loss of a Loved One by Suicide
If you have lost someone to suicide, the most important thing you should know is that you are not alone. One of every 65 Americans has lost a loved one to suicide, and there are 4.6 million survivors in the United States alone. Like you, the millions affected are trying to cope with this heartbreaking loss. Each of these deaths reverberates through families, workplaces, schools, communities and the other social networks in our lives.
Every year more than 33,000 people in the United States die by suicide — the devastated family and friends they leave behind are known as “survivors.” Many survivors have gone on to deal with their loss by developing tools and resources to help prevent suicide and spare others the pain they have experienced. They often share their experience of loss in “suicide survivor support groups” that help them deal with their shattering grief.
To find a suicide survivor support group in your area click here.
To find a therapist in your area click here.

American Association of Suicidology Resources for Survivors of Suicide
Grief Support for Survivors of Suicide
Friends For Survival
Suicide Prevention Action Network
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Compassionate Friends
Crisis, Grief and Healing: Articles of Interest and Forum
Fierce Goodbye: From a Documentary Focusing on Survivors
Grief Net: Grief Support
HeartBeat – Peer Support Group
The Shaken Tree: Families Living With Mental Illness
Fatal Mistakes: Families Touched by Suicide (DVD)
From – This 45-minute film chronicles the recovery of several families in the aftermath of suicide. These “survivors” share their common experience with the hope that they will comfort others experiencing similar grief and prevent others from experiencing the pain of losing a loved one to suicide. The film includes interviews with several of America’s leading researchers and clinicians on the latest advances and trends in suicide prevention research, as well as warning signs, risk factors and appropriate treatments for suicidal patients.
Learn More Here

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