Dr. Meichenbaum on gender roles in violence Order the Full DVD Interview: A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach on Aggression In this DVD, Dr. Donald Meichenbaum discusses violence and aggression, from origin to treatment. Dr. Meichenbaum draws upon his wealth of experience to articulate both how violent individuals are created and the thoughts that drive violent behavior. Dr…. Read more »
Content Section: Video
Watch exclusive interviews and video clips with experts in the field of psychology, including Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn, Dr. Dan Siegel, Dr. Carol Gilligan, Dr. Robert Firestone,Dr. James Gilligan, Dr. Pat Love, Dr. Lisa Firestone, Dr. Christine Courtois, and others.
Dr. Meichenbaum on violent behavior in children Order the Full DVD Interview: A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach on Aggression In this DVD, Dr. Donald Meichenbaum discusses violence and aggression, from origin to treatment. Dr. Meichenbaum draws upon his wealth of experience to articulate both how violent individuals are created and the thoughts that drive violent behavior. Dr…. Read more »
This exclusive video series features psychology experts Dr. Carol Gilligan and Dr. James Gilligan, who offer a unique window into their remarkable relationship and marriage of more than 50 years. Watch more videos from Dr. James and Drs. Carol Gilligan on PsychAlive’s YouTube Channel Order the Full DVD Interview with Drs. Carol and James… Read more »
In this exclusive PsychAlive video series, Dr. James Gilligan talks about what triggers violent behavior and how to treat violent individuals. Watch the full series of interviews here Order PsychAlive’s DVD Interviews with Dr. James Gilligan: In this DVD, Dr. James Gilligan discusses the developmental roots of violence, such as the psychological effects of childhood neglect… Read more »
Mindsight is an enlightening means of understanding ourselves and changing our behaviors.
Dr. Dan Siegel explains how at any age or stage in life, our brains are physically capable of change.