Search Results for: lisa firestone/feed/2009/11/fear-of-intimacy

The Internet: A Game Changer for Mental Health

…us who entered the field of psychology because we had a strong desire to help people, the Internet is offering us a unique opportunity to do just that. Join Dr. Lisa Firestone for the May 7 Webinar “Social Media and Marketing for Mental Health Professionals“…

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Helping Parents Distinguish Love from Emotional Hunger

…friends. She was the first to admit that her actions were based on her own fear of her son “not needing her anymore.” When we are misattuned to the developmental stages of our children, carrying them when they’d rather walk, breastfeeding them when they’d rather play, we undermine their confidence and teach them to be dependent. An important aspect of healthy parenting is accepting our imperfections and broadening our child’s world. No parent is p…

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Relationship Skills

…lfillment from sharing our lives with someone we love? I’ve asked Dr. Lisa Firestone, psychologist and author of Sex and Love in Intimate Relationships to help answer this question. What Relationship Skills Lead to Lasting Love? Non-defensiveness – Being open to feedback is one of the greatest relationship skills you can offer to your partner, and it is a great asset to any relationship. Instead of instinctively defending against any criticism or…

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Worrying Less in 5 Steps

…of intention saying, “May I feel safe and secure, may I be free from this fear, may I feel a sense of belonging.” Make this personal to whatever your needs are. Expand awareness and wishes to all people Whatever the worrying is about, it’s important you know you’re not alone. Feeling vulnerable is part of the human condition and millions of people struggle with the same source of vulnerability that you experience. But when we’re feeling vulnerabl…

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Psychoeducating Parents to Defeat their Child’s OCD Monster! By Jenny C. Yip, Psy.D.

…baby steps. Sometimes it is impractical or impossible to create the actual feared situation, for example, the fear of developing a disease or losing a loved one. In these situations we utilize imaginal exposures, which involve prolonged and repeated visualizations of the feared image or situation along with the experience of anxiety. Variations of different scripts of imagery tapes are made and tailored to the individual’s needs and fear structure…

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The Critical Inner Voice and Addiction

…hol to distract myself — from the fear that loved ones would die; from the fear that I would lose my job and might not be able to get another one; from the fear that hospitals were going to run out of their limited supplies.” In addition to a chilling sense of uncertainty, many people are coping with the isolation felt from social distancing. Studies have shown feelings of loneliness to be stronger in drug abusers, which may increase their probabi…

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Anxiety: An Emotion to be Listened to, not a Symptom to be Eliminated

…But, perhaps we have gone too far. When the representational and functional significance of anxiety are viewed as irrelevant and ignored, people are deprived of self-knowledge sources that are inroads to lasting solutions to anxiety. 11 Ways to Ease Your Anxious Mind Length: 60 Minutes Price: $15 On-Demand Webinars     In this Webinar: It’s time to stop letting anxiety rule you. In this program, Elisha Goldstein invites you to experience 11 essen…

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The Second Wave: The Emotional Impact of the Prolonged Pandemic

…h that are being offered. I make an effort to be aware of what triggers my fear and anxiety. There are some that I consciously avoid: the news channels with “breaking news” enhanced by swirling graphics and dramatic music. Updates popping up on my phone notifying me about the latest political corruption, natural disaster, or death toll from Covid. But there are others that are real and part of my life: having to socially distance from my grandchil…

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Skiing – A Metaphor for Emotional Regulation

…the child’s skill level? What is the terrain/challenge? Is my child bold, fearless, or overconfident, requiring limits to stay safe? Is my child fearful, tentative, or over cautious, requiring support to manage challenges? Is my fear taking hold, knocking down bumps the child needs to learn to navigate? Considering the process of learning to ski as a metaphor for learning how to regulate or manage emotions can help us keep the bigger picture in m…

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Recovering from the Trauma of this Past Year

…s including family and friends not wanting to leave a particular place for fear of “what might happen” Reactions to Trauma Most people have some kind of stress reaction after a trauma. This reaction can be subtle, insidious, or outright destructive. The less obvious effects, termed “subthreshold” trauma symptoms, can involve having difficulty regulating emotional states, maintaining steady and rewarding social and family relationships, and functio…

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