Understanding and Effectively Treating Violence
In this Webinar:
This Webinar will summarize a theory of the causes and prevention of violent behavior, meaning the infliction of injury, especially lethal or life-threatening injury, on a person by a person. The topics discussed will include the evaluation and treatment of individuals who are actually or potentially violent. It will be organized around the concept that violence is caused or prevented by the interaction between biological, psychological and social forces, especially those that increase or decrease exposure and vulnerability to shame and humiliation.
Learning Objectives:
1. To be able to expain the concept of the bio-psycho-social etiology of violent behavior, i.e., the awareness that violence is multi-determined and not reducible to any one cause.
2. To be able to recognize, that beneath all the variety in the determinants responsible for violent behavior, there is a common thread – the degree of exposure to shame and humiliation, and individuals’ relative capacity to tolerate shame and restore self-esteem without resorting to destructive or self-destructive behavior.
3. To able to describe the psychology and sociology of feelings of shame (versus pride) and guilt (versus innocence), the principal emotional forces that affect the likelihood and direction of violence.
Ordering Information:
Once payment is received, you will be emailed a full video recording of this webinar along with all presentation materials.
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Continuing Education Information
Optional CEs (3) may be purchased through R. Cassidy Seminars. You can earn your CEs by watching the webinar and completing an accompanying reading assignment. A link to purchase CE Credits will be included in the email containing all your webinar resources. More Info Here
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