Supporting Men’s Peaceful Transformation

In this Webinar:
Founder and Facilitator of “Men Creating Peace” Devon Gaster will introduce an effective approach to working with men, who have caused harm in intimate partner relationships.
Webinar participants will become familiar with the patterns and behaviors that keep men stuck in abusive cycles and learn ways to create a safe environment for men to heal and grow together.
The webinar will shed light on the importance of helping men become aware of the many negative impacts that abuse causes for themselves, their partners, their children, families and communities.
It will also offer valuable insights and share lived experiences into the healing power that happens when men connect with their emotions through shared life stories.
Learning Objectives:
- List behaviors that continue abuse within Intimate Partner Relationships
- Describe strategies to help clients become aware of Impact of violence to self, partner, family and community
- Apply methods to help men share their stories of healing to nurture and support their progress to non-violence
- Describe effective strategies for giving feedback to others.
Ordering Information
Once the webinar has taken place, all registrants will be emailed a full video recording of the presentation along with all presentation materials.
Continuing Education Information
Optional CEs (1.5) may be purchased through R. Cassidy Seminars. A link to purchase CE Credits will be included in the email containing all your webinar resources. More Info Here
CEs Pending
Would you be kind enough to once again provide
me with a complimentary registration ?
If not, I will register
Thank you Don Meichenbaum
Thank you for invite to join the Webinar. Please share video/recording, I am not available on 15th to participate, and I can’t afford the fee.
Thank you
Please tell me about relationships between gay men friends who cannot reconnect due to job changes or other reasons of safe space or date to practice peaceful union?