Secure and Insecure Love: An Attachment Perspective

In this Webinar:
Both clinicians and researchers have noted the importance of close interpersonal relationships for the development of personality, character, and overall well-being. Attachment theory was originally created by a psychoanalytically oriented psychiatrist, John Bowlby, but unlike many psychoanalytic theories, attachment theory has been vigorously researched during the past 35 years.
The earliest research focused on child-parent relationships and their effects on child development and mental health. More recently, researchers have been exploring adolescent and adult attachment, with implications for relationship (e.g., marital) quality and individual well-being (both psychological and physical) mental health.
The theory’s key concepts center on a distinction between fundamental security and insecurity. Researchers have identified some notable (and measurable) patterns of attachment: secure, anxious, and avoidant. There is now good evidence concerning the mental and neural processes underlying these patterns, the relation of the patterns to particular forms of psychopathology and unhappiness, and the potential to intervene to increase a person’s basic sense of security and the success of his or her close relationships with others.
Learning Objectives:
1. Use key concepts from attachment theory and research to understand clients’ strengths and vulnerabilities
2. Distinguish between characteristic defenses and affect-regulation strategies of secure, anxious, and avoidant individuals
3. Recognize relationships between attachment concepts, attachment-related therapeutic strategies, and Buddhist concepts and practices
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Optional CEs (3) may be purchased through R. Cassidy Seminars. You can earn your CEs by watching the webinar and completing an accompanying reading assignment. A link to purchase CE Credits will be included in the email containing all your webinar resources. More Info Here
I am interested in identifying the best assessments to determine an adult attachment style. I have been trying to locate the state adult attachment measure, but have been unable to find the actual measurement tool. Is there something you would recommend instead or do you know where to access the actual?SAAM tool product. Thank you.