Empowering Strategies to Fight Depression

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One in 10 people in the United States is affected by depression with more people struggling every day. New studies show that depression is affecting people at a younger and younger age. Depression is a real disorder and should be taken as seriously as any medical condition. Yet, it’s estimated that 80 percent of people with symptoms of depression are not getting treatment. People struggling with depression should know that there are many effective ways to fight depression. It’s incredibly important to empower ourselves with information on the different techniques that can help individuals battling depression.
In this one-hour online presentation, Dr. Lisa Firestone will share up-to-date information on various methods that have been proven to help alleviate symptoms of depression. She will introduce a concept known as the “critical inner voice,” an internal enemy we all possess that fuels symptoms of depression and often discourages those suffering from engaging in the very behaviors that could help them feel better. Learning how to challenge this inner enemy and take the actions that can strengthen one’s real sense of self provides powerful tools for those fighting to overcome depression.
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Sounds very interesting. I am a public speaker on parenting and kids and this
seems to be a good fit. Thank You!
This is important information to be discussed and de-stigmatize, depression and anxiety are issues impacting many of our young people. Resiliency needs to be fostered and promoted in us all. I look forward to Dr. Firestone’s perspective.
I am interested in learning more about depression, because I am a Foster/Adoptive Parent Trainer. My job is help Foster/Adoptive Parents to understand the underlying reason for depression in children who have been traumatized.
I am looking forward to learning something new and different involving depression and helpful techniques or strategies to assist individuals who are stuck in it.
I’d like to learn more about ways to deal with depression. Thanks!
This has helped me tremendously. Thank you. I live in a isolated area, with no access to mental health providers.