Stop Hating Yourself: A Method to Overcome Your Inner Critic

In this Webinar:
For many people, the expression “you are your own worst enemy” holds a lot of truth. It’s a painful reality that much of what limits people in their lives are their own feelings of unworthiness and self-hatred. But where do these feelings come from? How do they influence people’s lives? How can people push past these dark thoughts to live free from the harsh voice of their inner critic?
This Webinar will explore how every person is divided. They are torn between their “real self,” which is self-accepting, goal-directed and life-affirming and an “anti-self,” which is self-hating, self-denying, paranoid and suspicious. This anti-self can keep people from pursuing goals or encourage them to engage in self-destructive behavior.
By learning the source of this anti-self, people can start to feel more self-compassion and separate from this internalized enemy. They can recognize when their “critical inner voices” start to attack them and act against their mean instructions. They can learn how to side with and strengthen their real sense of self and stop living with the limitations imposed on them by their inner critic.
Learning Objectives:
- Apply techniques to identify and challenge destructive thinking in clients
- Identify and help clients address core beliefs that limit behavior change
- Describe strategies to help clients tolerate anxiety associated in breaking destructive patterns
- Distinguish between self-compassion and self-esteem
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Optional CEs (3) may be purchased through R. Cassidy Seminars. You can earn your CEs by watching the webinar and completing an accompanying reading assignment. A link to purchase CE Credits will be included in the email containing all your webinar resources. More Info Here
Continuing Education Information
Optional CEs (3) may be purchased through R. Cassidy Seminars. You can earn your CEs by watching the webinar and completing an accompanying reading assignment. A link to purchase CE Credits will be included in the email containing all your webinar resources. More Info Here
I am not going to be available to participate in this webinar when it is offered, so I was wondering, is there any way that I could access this video/blog at another time, when I am available? Thank you, regards, Heather J.
Hello Heather. If you sign up for the Webinar, you will be sent a link after the presentation occurs to watch the recorded Webinar at your own convenience.
I am very interested in this webinar but I am not seeing a date that it is offered…is it available at any time?
Thank you
The live Webinar took place on March 24th, 2015. It is now archived and available for you to watch anytime after purchasing.
Thank you so much 🙂
Why are all the pictures shown of females? A lot of men also have these issues….in fact fitting into an alpha dominated society–when you are not that–leads to extreme self doubt and eventually self hate.
Good content but very bad sound.
I have some serious psychological difficulties. I am a transsexual female and although I am happy to the course my life has taken I absolutely abhor myself for the decision I took.
There are some very bad times when all I wish is that I were dead and all my negative thoughts would vanish.
It doesn’t help that I am not feminine looking and I am stared at and commented on all the time.
I do have a small circle of acquaintances who, on the face of it, are accepting even if they don’t understand why someone like me would put themselves through all that transition involves just to be able to live my life as a person of my choosing.
If I could eliminate the negativity I have towards myself I am sure my happiness would increase many fold. Of course there is still the factor over which I have no influence and that is the attitude of other people towards me. People generally are pretty vile creatures and their ability to hurt others knows no bounds.
My girlfriend left me to go back to her ex that she had been with for 17 years. She left him because he is a loser and she had nothing good to say about him only that he’s pathetic and had no one else. She has bad anxiety and our relationship was full of total happiness and joy, we almost never argued or pretty much never. It was the greatest, we had so much fun and laughed together often, no problems, it was the greatest, no complaints from her. She left to go back to him because of her anxiety. She’s not happy but her anxiety forced her away from me. What can I do or say to snap her out of her doubts. When we were together she was on very little medication, to be with him she’s on so much medication she can’t even drive. What can I do, Im madly in love with her.
I really don’t know how or where to start or even know if anyone will understand !!!!!
I’ve talked to pastors at my church ,,,, I’ve talked to my Friends,,,,, and it’s no use ,,,,, no one understands or “gets it” I always end up feeling so alone ,so unwanted, so damaged from the memories of our childhood.
This past year have been so difficult ,,,,,,
I can’t seems to pull myself out of this hole I’m in,,
It’s like my heart and mind are telling me it’s all over and there’s nothing anyone can do to change the past.
BUT it’s the memories and the smells and the sounds that grab me and pull me back to that house,,,,
I will go thru the day doing what is my normal schedule them one thing ,one Tiny thing brings me back there !!!!!
I get cold chills, there are times I will be driving and the smell of dead animals and the memories are so clear !!!! So real it sends a chill up my back and almost takes my breath away.
I’m sorry to print this and I know no one will read it or understand ,,,,
I just have to put it in print and maybe someone somehere will read this and know what happened to us kids and hopefully the dead will get peace and
And she will know before she passes away I know what she did and I will NEVER forgive her.
A parent can strike a child and leave no physical scars,,,,
But it’s the scars that can’t be seen that ruins lives Forever !!!!
As I sit here typing this useless message I can’t help but wonder who will read this and say ” that happened to me too !!!!
Sometimes I pray I will go to sleep and never wake up,,,,
But if I can touch one person and let them know your not alone then maybe I can get some peace of mind.
I have a mom who raised us literally to be her emotional slaves. I rebelled, I left the house, I did well for a short period of time then I lost myself and lived according to my conditioning. I see everything clearly intellectually but I can’t bring my emotional side to a mature state. Would this webinar help? I really tried everything.
Hi Trini!
Thanks for your post!
I just had a breakthrough- hearing the critical voice and realizing that it wasn’t ME!
Therapy is helping; this website has good advice.
You’re not alone, either! Hugs from Janet!
Hi I’m John 33 Oklahoma I read what’s posted here and tears came to my eyes it only has a short section printed. I felt a connection for some reason.
I’m so full of empathy for you and I know exactly how you feel as I have battled all my life with the same thinking as you and I also know what you mean the smells even a beautiful sunny day I still can’t escape from these horrible lonely days and nights just trying so hard to get through I hope and pray you find some peace but I know how hard it all is so please believe me you are not alone take care amanda.