The Key to Better Parenting

In this Webinar:
Attachment research has shown that there is one thing each of us can do to become a better parent, and that is to look deeper into ourselves. Every parent can benefit their children by learning and practicing self-understanding. In order to do this, parents must be willing to make sense of their own history. This Webinar with Dr. Lisa Firestone teaches professionals a method of encouraging parents to focus on their own developmental experiences to better understand their specific struggles in relation to their children. How do current stressful situations with their children trigger emotions from their past? How can they break harmful patterns and become better parents to their children? Dr. Firestone will illustrate an approach to parenting that professionals can use to help their clients understand their own emotions and sensitively handle the emotions of their children throughout various developmental stages.
This Webinar will provide information about the intergenerational transmission of attachment, attunement, emotional regulation, emotional hunger versus love, and rupture and repair. In addition, it will inform therapists on how they can help parents to minimize the formation of a destructive thought process and negative self-concept in their children, referred to as the “critical inner voice.” Dr. Firestone will draw on 30 years of research as well as her own clinical experience working with parents and children to explain a compassionate approach to parenting, introducing important steps all parents can take to better understand themselves and their children.
Learning Objectives:
1. Explain to parents the value of understanding their own emotions for raising emotionally healthy children.
2. Describe to parents an approach to evaluating stressful situations with their children from the framework of their developmental history.
3. Describe the intergenerational transmission of attachment styles.
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Optional CEs (2) may be purchased through R. Cassidy Seminars. A link to purchase CE Credits will be included in the email containing all your webinar resources. More Info Here
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