How Divorce Impacts Children
We know what breaking up means for adults. In fact, most of us are all too familiar with the critical thoughts that tell individuals who have just split up that they are failures, that they will never meet anyone or that they are unwanted or alone. But what effect does a break-up or divorce have on children? What critical thoughts are they hearing about themselves, and how can we help them cope with the real pain of the situation? Here the Mayo Clinic outlines a basic step-by-step guide on how to talk to children about divorce and what to expect from their reactions. The most important thing to remember is that kids will have a variety of emotional reactions to their parents breaking up, and these reactions will show up in a variety of ways. Talking to kids, answering their questions and listening to their concerns are key steps in helping them through what is certain to be a confusing and difficult time for both them and their parents.
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