Michael Vallejo

Michael Vallejo
Michael Vallejo is a licensed clinical social worker with a private therapy practice in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He specializes in helping children and teens with mental health concerns. He is passionate about providing effective and compassionate care. He is an advocate for mental health awareness, and is the founder of Mental Health Center Kids, a website that provides resources and support for parents, teachers, and mental health professionals who care for children and teens.

Blogs by Michael Vallejo

Rewiring Negative Thoughts

Rewiring Negative Thought Patterns: A Cognitive Guide for Teens

It’s heartbreaking to hear your teen say things like, “I’ll never get it right,” or “I’m just not good enough.” These negative thought patterns can leave them feeling stuck, and this can affect their mental health. As a parent, you want to help them see their potential and build confidence, but knowing where to start… Read more »

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